The Negatives of Standing Desks

The Negatives of Standing Desks

Recent Articles 10 Creative Ideas for Your Home Office The Right Way to Sit at Your Desk Tips for Cable Management Desk Stretches: Sitting All Day The Little Known Secrets of a Creative Work Desk How Shoes Cause Back Pain 6 Yoga Poses for Back Pain Advertisement We...
Sit Stand Desk Benefits

Sit Stand Desk Benefits

The Benefits of Standing Desks If you’ve been sitting all day, everyday, at work you have likely experienced one or more of the undesirable effects of sitting. You may have heard people say ‘sitting all day is literally killing you’.  Well, the truth is, they’re...
Back Pain

Back Pain

Standing desks have existed throughout history being documented in the 18th and 19th centuries as used by the rich. These desks have even been mentioned all the way back to the 1400s! Leonardo da Vinci is said to have painted the Mona Lisa while standing up at an...
Standing Health

Standing Health

The problem with sitting Are you sitting too much? The human body, through evolution is designed to move. This seems at odds with technological advancement in recent decades and the resulting increase in sedentary lifestyles that are being adopted. For years, until...